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Objednací číslo2821331
ISO katalogové IDTPHB160308ANSI katalogové IDTPHB322
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Objednací číslo | 2821331 |
ISO katalogové ID | TPHB160308 |
ANSI katalogové ID | TPHB322 |
Grade | TN7 |
[D] Insert IC Size | 9.525 mm |
[D] Insert IC Size | 0.375 in |
[L10] Insert Cutting Edge Length | 16.5 mm |
[L10] Insert Cutting Edge Length | 0.6496 in |
[S] Insert Thickness | 3.175 mm |
[S] Insert Thickness | 0.125 in |
[Rε] Corner Radius | 0.787 mm |
[Rε] Corner Radius | 0.0321 in |
[D1] Insert Hole Size | 3.3 mm |
[D1] Insert Hole Size | 0.13 in |
A highly wear-resistant (TiC/TiN-based) cermet grade. High edge strength and wear-resistant cermet offers improved tool life over uncoated/coated carbides and resists material build-up on cutting edge. Finishing to semi-finishing of carbon, alloy, and stainless steels at medium to high speeds. Can also be used on non-ferrous materials.
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