VDIツールホルダー • VDIフォームC1 • 右勝手 • ショート • スルークーラント
VDIアダプター • 角シャンクツールホルダー用 • ISO 10889
ISO カタログ IDVDIC1M5032100ANSIカタログIDVDIC1M5032100
VDI Shank
ISO 10889
Coolant: Through Coolant 80 bar Maximum
Coolant: Through Coolant 1200 psi Maximum
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製品番号 | 3648225 |
ISO カタログ ID | VDIC1M5032100 |
ANSIカタログID | VDIC1M5032100 |
[D] Adapter / Shank / Bore Diameter | 50 mm |
[D] Adapter / Shank / Bore Diameter | 1.9685 in |
[B2] Overall Width | 100 mm |
[B2] Overall Width | 3.937 in |
[B1] Front Clearance | 50 mm |
[B1] Front Clearance | 1.969 in |
[F] F Dimension | 26 mm |
[F] F Dimension | 1.0236 in |
[HW] Shank Height | 32 mm |
[HW] Shank Height | 1.26 in |
[H2] Overall Height | 95 mm |
[H2] Overall Height | 3.74 in |
[H3] Head Bottom Offset | 60 mm |
[H3] Head Bottom Offset | 2.362 in |
[LPR] Protruding Length | 100 mm |
[LPR] Protruding Length | 3.937 in |
VDI Shank
ISO 10889
Coolant: Through Coolant 80 bar Maximum
Coolant: Through Coolant 1200 psi Maximum
- スクエアシャンクツールホルダー用のクーラントサポートを装備したVDIアダプター
- ISO 10889
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