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Workpiece Material
Workpiece Material
- P Steel (40)
- P0Low-Carbon Steels, Long Chipping C < .25%; <125 HB; <530 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- P1Low-Carbon Steels, Short Chipping C < .25%; <125 HB; <530 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- P2Medium and High Carbon Steels C < .25%; <220 HB; <25 HRC; >530 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- P3Alloy Steels & Tool Steels C > .25%; <330 HB; <35 HRC; 600-850 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- P4Alloy Steels & Tool Steels C > .25%; 350-420 HB; 35-43 HRC; 850-1400 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- P5Ferritic, Martensitic, and PH Stainless Steels <330 HB; <35 HRC; 600-900 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- P6High Strength Ferritic, Martensitic, and PH Stainless Steels 350-450 HB; 35-43 HRC; 900-2400 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- M Stainless Steel (40)
- M1Austenitic Stainless Steel 130-200 HB; <600 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- M2High Strength Austenitic Stainless and Cast Stainless Steels 150-230 HB; <25 HRC; >600 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- M3Duplex Stainless Steel 135-275 HB; <30 HRC; 500-1200 N/mm^2 UTS(40)
- K Cast Iron (42)
- K1Gray Cast Iron 120-290 HB; <32 HRC; 125-500 N/mm^2 UTS(42)
- K2Low and Medium Strength CGI and Ductile Irons 130-260 HB; <28 HRC; <600 N/mm^2 UTS(42)
- K3High Strength Ductile and Austempered Ductile Iron 180-350 HB; <43 HRC; >600 N/mm^2 UTS(42)
- N Non-Ferrous Materials (30)
- N1Wrought Aluminum (30)
- N2Low-Silicon Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloys Si <12.2%(30)
- N3High-Silicon Aluminum Alloys Si >12.2%(10)
- N4Copper, Brass, Zinc-based on machinability index range of 70-100 (30)
- N5Nylon, Plastics, Rubbers, Phenolics, Resins, Fiberglass (30)
- N6Carbon, Graphite Composites, CFRP (30)
- N7MMC's (30)
- S High-Temp Alloys (38)
- S1Iron-Based, Heat-Resistant Alloys 160-260 HB; 25-48 HRC; 500-1200 N/mm^2 UTS(38)
- S2Cobalt-Based, Heat-Resistant Alloys 250-450 HB; 25-48 HRC; 1000-1450 N/mm^2 UTS(38)
- S3Nickel-Based, Heat Resistant Alloys 160-450 HB; <48 HRC; 600-1700 N/mm^2 UTS(38)
- S4Titanium and Titanium Alloys 300-400 HB; 33-43 HRC; 900-1600 N/mm^2 UTS(36)
- H Hardened Materials (32)
- H1Hardened Materials 44-48 HRC(32)
- H2Hardened Materials 48-55 HRC(32)
- H3Hardened Materials 56-60 HRC(27)
- H4Hardened Materials >60 HRC(21)
- C CFRP Materials (30)
- C1CFRP, CFRP / CFRP (30)
- C2CFRP / Aluminium CFRP / Non-Ferrous (30)
Facing (28)
Multiple Direction Cutting (28)
Profiling (25)
TRN Boring (27)
Turning (42)
Cutting Condition
Cutting Condition
- Heavily Interrupted Cut (42)
- Lightly Interrupted Cut (42)
- Smooth Cut (42)
- Varying Depth of Cut (42)
Tool Cutting Edge Angle
Tool Cutting Edge Angle
- 45.0 (3)
- 62.5 (1)
- 75.0 (14)
- 93.0 (10)
- 95.0 (10)
- 107.5 (4)
Tool Cutting Edge Angle MinDigite o valoraTool Cutting Edge Angle MaxTool Cutting Edge Angle
Connection Style
Connection Style
- KM (27)
Cutting Edges Per Insert
Cutting Edges Per Insert
- 1.0 (17)
- 2.0 (27)
- 3.0 (2)
- 4.0 (36)
- 6.0 (2)
- 8.0 (25)
Cutting Edges Per Insert MinDigite o valoraCutting Edges Per Insert MaxCutting Edges Per Insert
Internal Coolant Capability
Internal Coolant Capability
Corner Radius
Corner Radius
- 0.004 in(17)
- 0.008 in(10)
- 0.014 in(7)
- 0.016 in(21)
- 0.024 in(2)
- 0.031 in(32)
- 0.047 in(32)
- 0.063 in(29)
- 0.094 in(8)
- 0.095 in(23)
- 0.157 in(5)
Corner Radius MinDigite o valoraCorner Radius MaxCorner Radius
Corner Radius
Corner Radius
- 0.1 mm(17)
- 0.2 mm(10)
- 0.351 mm(7)
- 0.4 mm(21)
- 0.601 mm(2)
- 0.8 mm(32)
- 1.201 mm(32)
- 1.6 mm(29)
- 2.375 mm(8)
- 2.401 mm(23)
- 4.0 mm(5)
Corner Radius MinDigite o valoraCorner Radius MaxCorner Radius
Minimum Depth of Cut
Minimum Depth of Cut
Minimum Feed
Minimum Feed
Grade Of Cutting Tool
Grade Of Cutting Tool
- CW2015 (19)
- CW3020 (2)
- CW5025 (11)
- K090 (6)
- K1 (5)
- K313 (30)
- K68 (28)
- KB1340 (2)
- KB1345 (5)
- KB1610 (10)
- KB1630 (8)
- KB5610 (8)
- KB5630 (8)
- KB9640 (2)
- KBH10 (17)
- KBH10B (15)
- KBH20 (17)
- KBH20B (15)
- KBK45 (2)
- KC5010 (36)
- KC5025 (30)
- KC5410 (30)
- KC730 (18)
- KC850 (36)
- KC9125 (4)
- KCK05 (19)
- KCK05B (2)
- KCK15 (25)
- KCK15B (25)
- KCK20 (30)
- KCK20B (25)
- KCM15 (24)
- KCM15B (25)
- KCM25 (30)
- KCM25B (36)
- KCM35 (30)
- KCM35B (11)
- KCP05 (17)
- KCP05B (17)
- KCP10 (40)
- KCP10B (36)
- KCP25 (40)
- KCP25B (40)
- KCP25C (40)
- KCP30 (40)
- KCP30B (24)
- KCP40 (37)
- KCP40B (36)
- KCPK05 (30)
- KCS10B (30)
- KCU10 (36)
- KCU10B (30)
- KCU25 (30)
- KCU25B (30)
- KD1400 (8)
- KD1405 (8)
- KD1425 (10)
- KT315 (17)
- KTP10 (17)
- KTP25S (17)
- KY1540 (2)
- KY1615 (5)
- KY3500 (32)
- KY4300 (15)
- KY4400 (27)
- KYHK15B (27)
- KYK10 (5)
- KYK25 (15)
- KYS25 (2)
- KYS30 (9)
- THM (11)
- THM-X (7)
- TN10P (25)
- TN10U (17)
- TN15M (14)
- TN15U (8)
- TN2000 (20)
- TN20K (25)
- TN20P (25)
- TN30M (20)
- TN30P (21)
- TN4000 (20)
- TN6010 (7)
- TTR-X (5)
- TTS (11)
- WBH10P (8)
- WBH20P (17)
- WBH30P (8)
- WBK45U (5)
- WDN00U (5)
- WDN25U (10)
- WK05CT (30)
- WK15CT (9)
- WK20CT (30)
- WM15CT (30)
- WM25CT (36)
- WM35CT (25)
- WP05CT (2)
- WP15CT (40)
- WP25CT (40)
- WP35CT (40)
- WS10PT (30)
- WS25PT (30)
- WU10HT (25)
- WU10PT (12)
- WU25PT (12)
Hand Of Tool
Hand Of Tool
- L (12)
- N (3)
- R (12)
Wiper Insert
Wiper Insert
- N (42)
- Y (13)
F Dimension
F Dimension
- 0.0 mm(3)
- 48.0 mm(8)
- 53.0 mm(16)
F Dimension MinDigite o valoraF Dimension MaxF Dimension
F Dimension
F Dimension
- 0.0 in(3)
- 1.891 in(8)
- 2.087 in(16)
F Dimension MinDigite o valoraF Dimension MaxF Dimension
Minimum Axial Groove Diameter
Minimum Axial Groove Diameter
- 106.0 mm(26)
- 150.0 mm(1)
Minimum Axial Groove Diameter MinDigite o valoraMinimum Axial Groove Diameter MaxMinimum Axial Groove Diameter
Minimum Axial Groove Diameter
Minimum Axial Groove Diameter
- 4.173 in(26)
- 5.906 in(1)
Minimum Axial Groove Diameter MinDigite o valoraMinimum Axial Groove Diameter MaxMinimum Axial Groove Diameter
Cutting Direction
Cutting Direction
- B (8)
- E (2)
- S (17)
Rake Angle Style
Rake Angle Style
Maximum Bore Depth
Maximum Bore Depth
- 2.757 in(27)
Maximum Bore Depth MinDigite o valoraMaximum Bore Depth MaxMaximum Bore Depth
Maximum Bore Depth
Maximum Bore Depth
- 70.0 mm(27)
Maximum Bore Depth MinDigite o valoraMaximum Bore Depth MaxMaximum Bore Depth
Boring Bar Material
Boring Bar Material
- S (10)
Insert Shape
Insert Shape
- S-SQUARE 90 (11)
- W-TRIGON 80 (2)
Cutting Tool Material
Cutting Tool Material
- B H (12)
- B L (17)
- C A (27)
- C N (32)
- D P (17)
- H T (17)
- H W (42)
Connection Type
Connection Type
System Size
System Size
- KM80TS (27)
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