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Solid Carbide Inserts
Material Number2836582
ISO Catalog IDABD125625RANSI Catalog IDABD125625R
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Material Number | 2836582 |
ISO Catalog ID | ABD125625R |
ANSI Catalog ID | ABD125625R |
Grade | CG5 |
[DM] Minimum Bore Diameter | 3.175 mm |
[DM] Minimum Bore Diameter | .125 in |
[L4] Maximum Boring Depth | 15.875 mm |
[L4] Maximum Boring Depth | .625 in |
[L] Overall Length | 32.385 mm |
[L] Overall Length | 1.275 in |
[F] F Dimension | 1.448 mm |
[F] F Dimension | .057 in |
A PVD-TiN-coated grade. Straight 9.5% Co substrate. Submicron grain. For general-purpose machining of most steels, stainless steels, high-temperature alloys, titanium, irons, and non-ferrous materials. Performs best at low speeds and will handle interruptions and high feed rates.
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