Producto similar a:
Plaquitas de nitruro de boro cúbico (CBN) • CCGW-MT
Plaquitas ISO/ANSI
Número de material3898683
Referencia ISOCCGW120408S01015MTReferencia ANSICCGW432S0415MT
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Número de material | 3898683 |
Referencia ISO | CCGW120408S01015MT |
Referencia ANSI | CCGW432S0415MT |
Calidad | WBK45U |
Tamaño IC de plaquita [D] | 12.7 mm |
Tamaño IC de plaquita [D] | 0.5 in |
Longitud de filo de corte de plaquita [L10] | 12.9 mm |
Longitud de filo de corte de plaquita [L10] | 0.508 in |
Grosor de plaquita [S] | 4.782 mm |
Grosor de plaquita [S] | 0.1883 in |
Radio de esquina [Rε] | 0.794 mm |
Radio de esquina [Rε] | 0.0312 in |
Tamaño de orificio de plaquita [D1] | 5.5 mm |
Tamaño de orificio de plaquita [D1] | 0.216 in |
Materiales de la pieza de trabajo
- Fundición
A high CBN content, CBN tip brazed onto a carbide insert. Applied in roughing to finishing of fully pearlitic gray cast iron, chilled irons, high-chrome alloyed steels, sintered powdered metals, and heavy cuts in hardened steels (>45 HRC). Use for finishing chilled and fully pearlitic cast iron. Available in a wide range of insert styles, including positive rake geometries ideally suited for boring applications.
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