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SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD

Adattatori per frese a manicotto regolabili con adduzione interna di refrigerante

Material Number100001543

SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
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SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
SMC TD Cap MM-DV forma B/AD
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  • Codolo — Tirante unc 1"–8 Codolo — Tirante unc 1"–8
  • Fresatura — Senza refrigeranteFresatura — Senza refrigerante
  • Fresatura — laterale e frontaleFresatura — laterale e frontale
  • Codolo — SK DV DIN 69871Codolo — SK DV DIN 69871
  • RegolabileRegolabile
  • Codolo — Tirante M16Codolo — Tirante M16
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