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Wendeschneidplatten aus kubischem Bornitrid (CBN) • CPGW-MT
Material Nummer3883942
ISO Katalog NummerCPGW09T308S01015MTANSI Katalog NummerCPGW3252S0415MT
- H Gehärtete Werkstoffe
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Material Nummer | 3883942 |
ISO Katalog Nummer | CPGW09T308S01015MT |
ANSI Katalog Nummer | CPGW3252S0415MT |
Sorte | WBH10U |
[D] Wendeschneidplatten-Größe (Inkreis) | 9.525 mm |
[D] Wendeschneidplatten-Größe (Inkreis) | 0.375 in |
[L10] Schneidkantenlänge der Wendeschneidplatte | 9.672 mm |
[L10] Schneidkantenlänge der Wendeschneidplatte | 0.3808 in |
[S] Dicke der Wendeschneidplatte | 3.989 mm |
[S] Dicke der Wendeschneidplatte | 0.157 in |
[Rε] Eckenradius | 0.794 mm |
[Rε] Eckenradius | 0.0312 in |
[D1] Wendeschneidplatte Bohrungsgröße | 4.4 mm |
[D1] Wendeschneidplatte Bohrungsgröße | 0.1732 in |
- Gehärtete Werkstoffe
A low CBN content, CBN tip brazed onto a carbide insert. Designed for precision finishing in smooth cuts on hardened steels (>45 HRC) where optimal surface finish is needed. Use on bearing steel, hot and cold work tool steels, high-speed steels, die steels, case-hardened steels, carburized and nitrided irons, and some hard coatings. Do not apply on soft steel as rapid crater wear will result.
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